Harakeke Hub (Year 4-8)
E ngā hau e whā. Nau mai ki te whare o Harakeke
We have a fantastic learning space for Year 4 - 8 pupils. Our teachers and support staff are committed to nurturing the Mana of our learners. We are proud of our exciting learning walls and flexible spaces where personalised learning along with learner voice and choice is encouraged and celebrated. Tamariki participate in a wide variety of learning activities including targeted learning in literacy and maths. Our holistic inquiry-based approach to learning is enriched by the arts, te ao Māori, science, technology, Sports/P.E and EOTC.
We believe that the Harakeke Hub belongs to all of us and self-management through our understanding and practice of the virtues is a major component of the way that we do things.
We are an Enviroschool which is evident in our gardens, vege pods, orchards and chookies and we pride ourselves on having a strong awareness of recycling. Being a water only school we have a filtered water fountain in our class that even provides chilled water.
We embrace te reo Māori and me ona tikanga Māori and this is evidenced as a way of being across our hub. Our whanau are welcome to join us at any time and some come in to help out and share their expertise and special talents.
We value that as student learners we are at the centre of all decision-making and this is a fantastic position to be in.
Kia Mau te Puawaitanga o to Mana - Nurturing the Mana of the Learner
Ngā Mihi
Harakeke Hub Whanau